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Your Donation Makes a Difference!

A donation to Temple Beth Israel makes a difference in the lives of the many people we touch. Each of our seventeen funds directly supports our mission.

General Funds

Supports current and future growth and development

 Keeps Temple Beth Israel  humming

Supports repairs and maintenance of the congregations' properties

 Supports repairs to our Torahs as needed

Honors the memory of a loved one.

Assists the Rabbi in supporting needy individuals,  tzedakah and  the mission of TBI.

Ensures that Temple Beth Israel can continue to support the services of our rabbi

Contributes to maintaining a rabbi.


Educational Funds

Support an array of educational programs

Enhances our children's religious school experience.

Purchases materials and resources for continuing education.

Purchases materials for the congregational library.

Offers scholarships for children and teens to attend Jewish summer camp.

Supports youth programs and activities.

Provides funds for current and former Rabin Religious School students for travel to Israel.


Cultural Funds

Support diverse cultural events and programs

Supports programs of or about Jewish art, literature or music

Benefits cultural offerings and programs.

Funds programs and purchases outside the annual budget.

Provides for the enhancement of Jewish life and worship in Plattsburgh.

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